Residents of “G” Street in Washougal can dismiss concerns they have had regarding their properties being rezoned to allow particular businesses locating next to their homes.
The Washougal City Council voted last night to rezone some properties along the north and south frontage of “E” Street, from Sixth to 35th streets. The decision affects properties that are currently zoned “convenience commercial,” “multi-family residential” or “single family residential.” They will be rezoned “community commercial.”
The rezone includes Smead’s Tavern, Orchard Hills Animal Hospital and the Washougal School District bus barn. The owners of Smead’s are hoping to have some improvements done, while the bus barn could be relocated if the School District decides to sell.
Several “G” Street residents spoke during last night’s public hearing.
Marilyn Tyrrell said she did not see any particular reason for the rezoning.
“Are people rushing to buy up properties?” she asked.
“We are a quiet bunch living together,” Tyrell added. “There are kids, dogs, cats and walkers. It is not a commercial street.”
Jayne Lacey spoke against the rezoning in her neighborhood.
Lacey, an arborist, horticulturist and “young urban farmer,” said she did not want to wake up and see her neighbors’ trees knocked down.