Goodbye and good luck
I am not a long term resident and citizen of Washougal — only four years and counting. But in that time I could see a community in transition. A community looking to maintain and protect its heritage, but unfortunately, also afraid and hesitant to look toward the future for what it might bring, good or bad.
To help along this fine community, rich in the natural resources of exquisite beauty and of wonderful people, this community needs a strong and resilient city council to not only make laws but to represent the community in total and to be wise even if it is beyond their capabilities. In short, this council must reach beyond itself and to become one with dignity, grace, intelligence and wisdom.
Rod Morris’ time with this council, 16 years if I am correct, I look upon as a solid and consistent element within this council. He possessed such a long history and was so integrated within the community that his tenure was and will prove to be invaluable to this town and social community. I do hope Mr. Morris finds a way to keep up his image and contribution to Washougal.
Molly Coston to me represented what is good and descent in a person and in a politician. She gave a good example of what an every-day citizen can do if they put others first and always to remember, “How does this benefit my community?” Molly is what I wish most politicians could or would become. Washougal is losing a lot with Mrs. Coston’s departure. Like Rod Morris, I do so hope, that Molly can find a way to remain visible and viable in our community.
I always admired Michael Delavar’s single mindedness; determination and no one can doubt that he had the courage of his convictions. And true to the flyer’s code, I feel Mr. Delavar will always have landings he can walk away from.