Pacific Crest Academy in Camas will be the main beneficiary of Quintessential Production’s Second Annual Benefit Tea at the Heathman Lodge later this month.
The event will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 16.
Last year, the event raised $7,329 for Pacific Crest Academy, which is a private, Catholic school, and $1,465 for Evergreen Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build program.
“Our hope for you is that at this event, if you come in tired, you will leave rested.
If you are joy-filled, you will leave with greater joy,” said Manda Levie, marketing director of Pacific Crest Academy. “If you are sad and overwhelmed, you will experience contentment and peace.
“We hope you recognize the profound impact you have on your life and the lives of those around you, and embrace the roles you are called to fill with vigor and commitment.”