To make a donation to the non-profit or learn more about Empower Up and the services it offers, visit www.empow, call 735-0888, or e-mail info@empowerup
It’s a place where old computer parts come to die.
At Empower Up in Vancouver, wires, mother boards, hard disks and CPUs are stripped from their plastic containers and, along with items including monitors, and dumped into one of the receptacles that neatly line the wall of the warehouse style building — like coffins that hold the bits and pieces of what once was.
But at the home of this non-profit entity, these previously unwanted parts are not forwarded on to a landfill somewhere. Instead, they are brought back to life through the organization’s re-use and recycling efforts.
Empower Up offers a variety of services and re-furbished products to the community. Among them are free computer education classes, job skills training, access to the Internet, and computers for people and families in need. To support these efforts, donated computers and electronics are re-used and recycled.
“We’re trying to make sure everyone has access to modern society,” said Executive Director Oso Martin. “There’s an entire segment of society that is being left behind. Everything we’re doing is toward that end.”