Although his opponent would like us to believe she is not a career politician, Jon has never been a lobbyist. This is something that his opponent clearly is, and he is the only candidate that publicly supports term limits. Hmmm, sounds funny.
Examine the facts and cast your ballot for Jon Russell, the clear choice.
Brian Grant, pastor, Camas Assembly of God Church
Immigration issues are relevant to Washougal
I attended the Aug. 2 Washougal City Council meeting where the immigration resolution was discussed. I was disappointed to hear that two members of the Washougal City Council suggested that the resolution was “outside the scope of city business.” Need I remind them that this is the United States of America, where we are a republic governed for the people, by the people, not a monarchy where power goes from the top down.
The foundations of our country root from individuals (the people) having the power to influence higher levels of government, thus power starts at the bottom. People become involved in their own local community and city government, which in turn can influence state legislatures and on up the chain of representation.
I must contend then, that the discussion was completely relevant to city business. Since when is “supporting the Constitution and Laws of the United States” irrelevant to city business? Need I remind the two council members that they signed an oath to do so? Perhaps they better review their oath of office.
For the record, the oath of office is as follows: “I, council member, do solemnly swear that I am a citizen of the United States and the State of Washington; that I will support the Constitution and laws of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington, and will to the best of my judgment, skill, and ability, truly, faithfully, diligently and impartially perform the duties of office of City Council, City of Washougal, in and for Clark County , Washington, such as duties are prescribed by law, so help me God.”