
Stories by Kelly Moyer

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June 15, 2017
Above: Camas resident Jim Hart stands at the beginning of the Red Tape Trail inside Lacamas Lake Regional Park on Monday, June 12. Hart fears that volunteer maintenance workers have been over-trimming the ferns seen here.But bicyclists and trail maintenance volunteers say they cut the ferns back for safety and visibility reasons.
Left: Hart, a lifelong Camas-Washougal resident and avid hiker, measures a shared-use hiking-biking trail in Lacamas Lake Regional Park. Hart says volunteer trail maintenance crews have drastically cut back the lush ferns that normally grow along the trail.

Growing pains inside Lacamas Lake Park?

Jim Hart is on a mission to find hacked-up ferns inside Lacamas Lake Regional Park. It’s drizzling and the trail is a bit muddy, but Hart, an avid hiker and…

June 8, 2017
A glimpse of "before and after" is seen here in the BNSF rail bridge that crosses the Washougal River in Camas. On Monday, June 5, workers removed the final piece of the 110-year-old bridge (pictured here on the right) and prepared to place a new crossing to match the first half of the truss bridge (pictured on left) that they installed ealier this month.

Out with the old….In with the new

Crews put the final touches on a three-year-old, $10 million replacement of BNSF Railway’s Washougal River bridge in Camas this week.

May 25, 2017

BPA kills I-5 corridor power-line project

More than four years after Camas leaders urged Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) officials to reconsider plans to place high-voltage transmission lines on an 80-mile stretch of land winding through Southwest Washington and Northwest Oregon, the controversial project has come to halt.

May 22, 2017

Embattled Washougal mayor withdraws re-election bid

Just a few hours after news broke that Washougal police have asked an outside agency to  investigate a potential harassment case against Washougal Mayor Sean Guard, the two-term mayor has…