
Stories by Heather Acheson

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May 3, 2011

Camas City Council implements changes to fireworks regulations

The Camas City Council has reduced the number of days fireworks are allowed to be sold and discharged within city limits each calendar year. Last night, the council voted 5-0 to approve an ordinance that makes the legal use and sale period run from July 1 to July 3, from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., and July 4 from 9 a.m. to midnight. In addition, sales only will be allowed on July 5, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Currently, for the Fourth of July holiday season, sales and use are allowed from June 28 to July 5.

April 28, 2011
CHS Science Olympiad team members, including sophomore Katelynne Jones (left) and senior Ryan Gompertz (right) gathered Monday night to practice for the upcoming national tournament on May 20 and 21 in Wisconsin. Five days a week the team works out of its "clubhouse," one of the portables at Lacamas Heights Elementary School. Coach Ron Wright has called the facility one of the keys to the team's success.

Countdown to Nationals

When Ron Wright formed the first Camas High School Science Olympiad team in 2007, he had some pretty specific aspirations in mind. "I just knew Camas High School could send a team to Nationals, so I set a five-year-goal," Wright said. "And we made it in just under five." Getting to the 2011 national tournament in Wisconsin in May meant being the top team in the state, and on April 16 the Papermakers accomplished just that, and in very convincing fashion.

April 26, 2011

Ward meeting covers a variety of topics

Attendees at the recent Camas ward meeting got first crack at filling out a survey aimed at gauging public opinion on the current condition and value of the maintenance work being done on city streets, and importance of well maintained roadways. The "needs statement" survey, which will be available on the city's website at via Survey Monkey by the end of the week, is being conducted by the City of Camas in conjunction with the Camas Youth Council -- a group of Camas High School students that advises the City Council on a variety of issues.

April 26, 2011

Science Olympiad athletes shine

In a relatively short time period, the Camas High School Science Olympiad team has logged some pretty impressive accomplishments. In its first year as a team, they surprised many by placing 10th in state in 2007. The following three years, the Papermakers continued to be a force with three third place state finishes. In 2011, all of the extra work paid off. During the April 16 state tournament at Clark College, CHS captured first place by 24 points. It was the largest margin of victory for a state championship team in five years.

April 26, 2011
Connor Sullivan and Emily McDonald, both of Camas, and Jaycob Bailey of Washougal (left to right), all took part in the recent digital storytelling showcase, held at Fort Vancouver High School. Through the project, Clark County youth shared their life stories. "They were deep," Sullivan said of the videos.  "They have a lot of impact to them."

Defining moments

Throughout life, there are defining moments. These are the events in our lives that shape who we are. Our personalities, our fears, our joys, and our insecurities are defined by these kinds of transforming experiences that help guide our interactions with the world. Most people probably don't think much about the cumulative impact of these moments. They may not even recognize their significance at the time they happen. But 15 youth from Clark County's Juvenile Recovery Court and the "Strong Teens Against Substance Hazards and Abuse" peer education program recently took the time to do just that.

April 19, 2011
Students from the Washington State School for the Blind in Vancouver help to stuff plastic Easter eggs with candy and prizes on Wednesday at the Camas Community Center.  The 10,000 eggs will be hidden at Crown Park in Camas as part of the annual Camas Parks and Recreation egg hunt on Easter Sunday.

The Easter bunny’s helpers

Throw together 10,000 colorful plastic Easter eggs, 250 pounds of candy, 17 pizzas and more than 40 kids and you've got the makings for 2 1/2 hours of hard work, with lots of fun and laughter thrown in along the way.

April 19, 2011

Washougal asked to give support to EMS program

Camas and Washougal fire department officials are recommending a plan that calls for Washougal to hire a new firefighter and also contribute a lump sum of cash -- all in an effort to help offset a major shortfall in the Camas fund that supports the dissemination of local emergency medical services in east Clark County. For more than three decades, as part of a voter-approved emergency medical services property tax levy, Camas has been part of an agreement that stipulates that the Camas Fire Department provides paramedic services to residents living within its boundaries, as well as those of the city of Washougal and the East County Fire and Rescue district in unincorporated Clark County.

April 18, 2011

Open house will detail impacts of SR-14 construction project

Traffic impacts during a major construction project along Highway 14 in Camas and Washougal will be the topic addressed during an upcoming open house. The Washington State Department of Transportation will host the event on Tuesday, April 26, from 4 to 7 p.m., at the Camas Police Department community room, 2100 N.E. Third Ave.

April 12, 2011

Work crew program serves the community

Rain, shine or stormy weather, it's not uncommon to see the white "Offender Work Crew" van parked at a variety of locations around Camas and Washougal on an almost daily basis. The participants are "doing time" clearing blackberry vines from walkways, cleaning up downed branches after storms, picking up litter, and maintaining area trails, in addition to a variety of other tasks.