
Stories by Heather Acheson

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May 29, 2012

Halverson captures ‘Citizen of the Year’ recognition

When Lloyd Halverson was a boy, his parents once told him he was "born under a lucky star." Now, reflecting back decades later, he believes they may have been right. The Camas city administrator counts himself very lucky to have had a long career in public service that has offered both interesting challenges and great rewards. He will retire from his full-time duties in September after spending more than 23 years in Camas as its only city administrator.

May 22, 2012

A connected city is a successful city

"A city government that is connected to all facets of its community." This description is a major characteristic of any highly successful municipality. A meeting last week in Washougal has the potential to be a step in the right direction toward making this concept a reality.

May 22, 2012

Zarelli will not seek re-election

The man who has been the 18th District's state senator for 17 years has decided not to run for another term. Just minutes after the deadline had passed to mark the end of filing week, Sen. Joe Zarelli, R-Ridgefield, ranking Republican on the Senate Ways & Means Committee, officially announced that he would not seek re-election.

May 15, 2012

Piecing together the boundary review puzzle

Once again, the growing Camas School District is going through the boundary review process as it prepares to open its sixth elementary school. And perhaps predictably it has stirred up some powerful opinions and emotions from those who will be impacted by the final results.

May 8, 2012

Det. Carol Buck retires after a 22-year career

As a Camas Police Department detective specializing in sex crimes, Carol Buck came face-to-face with some of society's most despicable human beings who committed unspeakable acts. Child abuse and neglect. Incest. Rape. Domestic violence. Often, the crimes Buck investigated during her 22-year career with the CPD were committed against the vulnerable and innocent. She sifted through and analyzed the details of hundreds crimes that would make the average person want to cringe.

May 8, 2012

SR-14: Keep the end goal in mind

It's been a difficult road for businesses in the immediate area surrounding the state Route 14 safety improvement project construction work. Traffic delays, rocky gravel-filled streets, road closures, the constant flow and noise of construction vehicles, and a giant dirt berm blocking visibility between the highway and commerce are just some of the issues merchants say have led to a reduction in customers and profits.

May 1, 2012

Taking the lead

Stepping up. This is a central concept that can often be found illustrated in news articles throughout the pages of the Post-Record each week. It's really about each one of us doing our part to create quality, livable communities, and help those who need it. It's what local individuals, organizations and community groups are doing every day in Camas and Washougal. This good work comes in many forms:

May 1, 2012
Washougal resident Coleman Merle, 5, sits with his dad, Tim, during a Make-A-Wish Oregon party held at Beaches Restaurant in Vancouver on Friday. It featured beach-themed gifts and a volcano cake donated by Two Little E's Cakes and Goodies of Portland.

Make-A-Wish grants Washougal boy a trip to see the volcanoes of Hawaii

A dream to see the Big Island of Hawaii, and its majestic volcanoes overflowing with bright red lava, will come true for a little boy from Washougal. Five-year-old Coleman Merle was granted his dream-come-true trip through Make-A-Wish Oregon. Coleman suffers from a Wilms tumor, which is a type of cancer that starts in the kidneys, and is the most common type of kidney cancer in children, according to the American Cancer Society. On Friday, Coleman received a fun-filled send-off after arriving at Beaches Restaurant in Vancouver in a shiny black limousine. He was greeted at the event by friends, family members and Make-A-Wish Foundation volunteers and then whisked into the party inside where he received an itinerary detailing the upcoming trip he will take with his family, beach-themed gifts for the trip, and a custom-made volcano cake. "Coleman loves volcanoes and lava, and looks forward to seeing both on his trip to Hawaii," said Carynne Drake of Make-A-Wish Oregon.

April 17, 2012

Environmental movement continues to grow and change

A movement that took off as a global initiative in the 1970s to address concerns about the state of the world's land, rivers, lakes and air, has continued to grow and change year-after-year.