
Stories by Heather Acheson

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January 15, 2013

Camas planning conference scheduled for Jan. 25

A report on the Camas Community Development Department's annual work plan, an update on fire department and emergency medical service issues, and discussion about keeping the general fund balance sustainable will be among the topics on the agenda during the city's planning conference Friday, Jan. 25. The annual event, which will be facilitated by Camas School District Superintendent Mike Nerland, will be held from 1 to 6 p.m., at City Hall, 616 N.E. Fourth Ave. Mayor Scott Higgins, members of the City Council and city department heads will be attendance. It is open to the public.

January 8, 2013

City awards 38th Avenue project bid

A road project that has been in the planning stages for several years will finally break ground this winter. Last night, the Camas City Council approved a contract for construction of phase 1 of the Northwest 38th Avenue/Southeast 20th Street extension and improvements. The $3.65 million project was awarded to low bidder Tapani, Inc., which recently finished work on the Washington State Department of Transportation Highway 14 safety improvement project in Camas and Washougal. The Battle Ground based company also completed the city's Northwest Lake Road project several years ago.

January 8, 2013

BPA open house is Thursday in Camas

The Bonneville Power Administration has scheduled a public meeting Thursday at Liberty Middle School in Camas. An open house focusing on the draft environmental impact statement will run from 5 to 9 p.m., with verbal comments accepted from 6 to 7:30 p.m. During the open house, attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the project and ask questions of BPA staff. Oral testimony will be transcribed and included as formal comments within the draft EIS. According to a press release, BPA will respond to the comments in the final EIS, not during the public meetings. In November 2012, the Bonneville Power Administration announced that it identified the "Central Alternative" using Central Option 1 as its preferred alternative for the I-5 Corridor Reinforcement Project.

January 1, 2013

New city administrator starts Jan. 25 in Camas

Following a successful visit by local government officials to Cloverdale, Calif., Nina Regor has been officially hired as the new Camas city administrator. Mayor Scott Higgins and current City Administrator Lloyd Halverson spent two days in the northern California city located in Sonoma County conducting a site visit and background check on Regor, who has been the Cloverdale city manager since 2007. In December, Higgins gave her a conditional job offer that was subsequently approved by the City Council.

January 1, 2013
Uta Zuendel received this postcard wishing her  "happy birthday" from a group of elementary school students she met in Hamamatsu, Japan,

Lessons in kindness and generosity

Camas resident Uta Zuendel recently traveled to Japan, and what she discovered touch her life in ways she never expected.Originally from Germany, Zuendel said it was her first visit to the island nation in Asia. "People would ask me, 'why do you want to go?' " she said. "I would say, 'I am eager to see how other people live and how other nations conduct themselves.' " During the Camas Sister City trip to Hamamatsu, Taki and Kyoto, Zuendel and her companion Francher Donaldson, as well as the six other delegates, experienced the "official" parts of the trip through stops at historic sites, businesses, municipal buildings and schools.

December 25, 2012

An unnecessary response

There are no words to accurately describe the horror of the recent shootings that took place in Clackamas, Ore., and Newtown, Conn. All told, 29 innocent people died in those two events alone.

December 18, 2012

Camas picks its new city administrator

The current city manager of Cloverdale, Calif., will likely become the next Camas city administrator. Camas Mayor Scott Higgins announced yesterday that Nina D. Regor had been selected to succeed the retiring Lloyd Halverson. She is expected to start Friday, Jan. 25, the first day of the city's annual planning conference. Her salary will be $10,651 per month, plus benefits. "I believe she will be a good fit," Higgins said. "I believe we have found the right person who will help us go further into the future."

December 18, 2012

New city administrator will have a full plate

Following what ended up amounting to an extended hiring process, it appears as if Camas has finally found its new city administrator. Mayor Scott Higgins announced yesterday that the current city manager of Cloverdale, Calif., Nina Regor, had been offered the job pending the results of a site visit that will be conducted this week. Born in Clark County, Regor has also worked for the City of Gresham, Ore., and the City of Spokane Valley, where she was involved in the establishment of that municipality.

December 11, 2012

In Our View: A Leader With a Smile x

Every time Bob Moser entered a room, there was this automatic easing of tensions. Representatives of even the most disparate groups seemed to sense they were about to be steered toward collaboration and compromise.Our community lost more than just a powerful consensus builder with the passing of Moser on Sunday at age 82. We also lost an all-around good guy. And with contention rising in many of today's public arenas, this loss is felt by countless people who love Clark County as much as they loved Bob.