
Stories by Heather Acheson

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February 19, 2013
Volunteer Coordinator Lois Cobb points out a hat collection currently on display at the Two Rivers Heritage Museum. Cobb is one of the museum's most dedicated volunteers, logging 431 hours in 2012 alone.

Two Rivers Heritage Museum welcomes new director

Several new faces have recently joined the leadership at the Two Rivers Heritage Museum, giving the site an infusion of renewed enthusiasm and fresh ideas. Erin Leverman, a Vancouver resident and student at Washington State University, was recently appointed by the Camas-Washougal Historical Society Board of Directors to the museum's executive director position. Leverman, who holds an associate of arts degree from Clark College, is currently a senior with plans to graduate in December 2013 or May 2014 with a bachelor of arts degree in history. When she saw the announcement about the local museum’s open position, she thought it would offer an opportunity that combines her interests and her education. "I've loved history for years," she said. "This is something I've explored before as an avenue for my degree. I thought this would be a great opportunity to learn what goes on in a museum, help out, use my degree and get the learning experience."

February 19, 2013
Camas industrialist Charles Robert "Bob" Tidland died peacefully at home Feb. 5, 2013. He was 89.

Charles R. ‘Bob’ Tidland: A business and community leader

Camas industrialist Bob Tidland might be as well known for being the co-founder of Tidland Corp., as he is for his love of simply riding his tractor and tending to his farmland. "He was a giant of a community leader and a business leader," said recently retired Camas City Administrator Lloyd Halverson. "I think he was a patron of the whole community." Charles Robert “Bob” Tidland, a third generation Camas resident, died peacefully at home Feb. 5, 2013. He was 89. A public memorial service will be held Saturday, at 11 a.m., at Grace Foursquare Church, 717 S.E. Everett Road, Camas.

February 12, 2013

Healthy lives, healthy hearts

For many of us, our health is something we tend to take for granted, until some kind of catastrophic event throws our mortality directly into our faces. It is in these situations, when life, God, the universe, the powers that be, or whatever higher power we believe in, gives us the wake-up call we may need to make important life changes. Unfortunately, however, not everyone survives a major health crisis long enough to take the message to heart.

February 12, 2013

Future of fire department trial merger will be decided soon

Since July 2011, the Camas and Washougal fire departments have been taking part in a functional consolidation as a way to pinpoint financial and process efficiencies and improve service levels. That effort's long-term future will likely be decided soon, as elected officials consider information provided in a recently released consultant's report. "I was impressed with the report in the way it pointed toward the fact that the work we've done together has yielded some substantial positive results that were surprising to [consultant Paul Lewis] and frankly surprising to me," said Camas City Councilman Steve Hogan. "There are some interesting options, but I think it really stated or proved that the cooperation between all parties was impressive."

February 5, 2013

Don’t let Election Day pass by

The week of Jan. 21, 150,798 registered voters in Clark County began receiving their Feb. 12 special election ballots in the mail. As of today, nearly 35,000 have been returned. School districts around the area, including Camas, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Battle Ground and La Center have submitted levy propositions primarily to fund schools' maintenance and operations and technology programs. Of course, in our community, it's the two levies for the Camas School District that are catching the most attention.

February 5, 2013
Through its Jones Creek and Boulder Creek watershed management plan, the city of Camas has designated approximately 1,142 acres for timber harvesting during the next 50 years. The area had been broken down into 39 units, the first of which will be logged this year.

City of Camas prepares for its first timber harvest

As early as this summer, the city of Camas could be embarking on its first of many forest harvesting efforts. It is one element of a management plan that has been developed for the city's expansive watershed. Located 10 miles northeast of Camas, near the southwest corner of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, the Jones Creek and Boulder Creek watershed consists of nearly 1,700 acres of mature forest land, of which approximately 1,300 acres has been identified as suitable for harvesting, The property, originally purchased by the city between 1923 and 1950, is currently used to collect water for municipal purposes via intake facilities on Boulder Creek and Jones Creek.

January 28, 2013
David Albright, of Washougal, will be presented with the Bronze Star Medal With Valor during a ceremony on Wednesday. He earned the recognition as a result of heroism demonstrated during a combat mission in Afghanistan in June 2012.

A hero among us

A Washougal man who said he initially joined the Air Force to simply "have something to do right out of high school," 10 years later is being honored for his acts of heroism during combat.

January 28, 2013

Vote ‘yes’ on Camas school levies

Ask local residents why they moved to Camas or have continued to live in this area for years, and it's likely that the city's high quality public school system would be on the list. And, it's not difficult to see why.

January 22, 2013

Vote ‘yes’ on Camas school levies

Ask local residents why they moved to Camas or have continued to live in this area for years, and it's likely that the city's high quality public school system would be on the list. And, it's not difficult to see why.

January 15, 2013

A positive partnership

Cats and criminals. It's not the most likely successful combination, but a local program that will soon include participation by a Washougal animal shelter has turned this pairing into a positive experience for both humans and felines.