
Stories by Heather Acheson

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April 19, 2013
Michael David Gholston, of Camas, penned his autobiography titled "Any Road." He will speak at the Camas Public Library on Wednesday, April 24 at 6:30 p.m.

Camas author will speak at the library

On Wednesday, April 24, author Michael David Gholston will read from his book, "Any Road," at the Camas Public Library. The event starts at 6:30 p.m., in the library's upstairs meeting rooms.

April 16, 2013

Shows of support

Yesterday, an event that took place thousands of miles away, shook this country -- deeply. As of this morning, reports are that three people were killed, including an 8-year-old boy, and more than 175 people were injured when two bombs detonated near the finish line of the popular Boston Marathon.

April 16, 2013

Camas approves new utility rate study

Last night, the Camas City Council approved a professional service contract for a study of the municipality's water, sewer, storm water and solid waste utility rates. The $85,330 contract with Financial Consulting Solutions Group, Inc., based in Redmond, Wash., includes a scope of work that covers data collection, an analysis of revenue requirements and rate design for all four utilities, and a cost of service study for water and sewer utilities. The effort will also include an analysis of alternative options for the sanitation utility service. According to the contract, the study will be completed by the end of the year.

April 9, 2013

Happy birthday Camas library!

Ninety years ago, when the Washougal Women's Club opened the first library in downtown Camas, they may not have known the impact they would be making on future generations of Camasonians. That first library was housed in Arthur Thayer's drug store, located across the street from the paper mill's offices. The facility loaned out books donated by local residents, and the state's traveling library.

April 2, 2013

Local treasure re-opens to the community

The Gibbons Creek Wildlife Art Trail, a true treasure in our community, re-opened to the public on Friday, nearly six months after a fire burned 148 acres of the 1,049-acre Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Washougal.

April 2, 2013
A show featuring the artwork of Marilyn Farrell Webberley will open at the Ballard & Call gallery in downtown Camas on Friday. Webberley will be on hand to talk about her work from 5 to 8 p.m.

Show featuring artwork by Marilyn Farrell Webberley opens this week at Ballard & Call

A tender moment between a man and a woman sitting in a coffee shop. A delicate family heirloom sugar bowl. Bold golden leaves dancing in shadow and sunlight. These are just a few of the seemingly simple images that award-winning artist Marilyn Farrell Webberley has used as inspiration in creating some of her most stunning works of art.

March 12, 2013
As excavating equipment hums in the background, government and business officials gathered for the ground breaking of the Northwest 38th Avenue/Southeast 20th Street extension project on March 5. Camas Mayor Scott Higgins (left) speaks with Shari Hildreth, deputy district director for U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas.

Northwest 38th Avenue extension project is underway

Camas Mayor Scott Higgins was joined by city, county and state elected officials, as well as local business representatives during a ground breaking ceremony for the Northwest 38th Avenue/Southeast 20th Street extension project. "We believe this road will be very significant to the future economic development of the city," Higgins said to the crowd that attended the event on March 5. The $4.8 million project will extend Northwest 38th Avenue approximately two-thirds of a mile west to the rapidly developing 192nd Avenue corridor. The completed project includes purchase of right-of-way, street construction, storm water drainage system, street lights and installation of water main, and a center left turn lane with curbs and sidewalks on both sides.