
Stories by Danielle Frost

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November 30, 2010
A visit with Santa is the highlight for many children at the various holiday festivals.  Other events include tree lightings,  concerts, crafts and "The Nutcracker."

Celebrating the season

It's time to dig out the lights from the garage, search for the perfect tree, drag out your ugly reindeer sweater and spend more time with family: The holidays are here. The local area has an abundance of events such as festivals and tree lightings that can help you get into the spirit. Krista Bashaw, special events coordinator for Camas Parks and Recreation, is planning the Hometown Holidays festivities for this Friday. "This is a fabulous fun event for the entire family, no matter what the weather," she said. She added that it wouldn't be possible without the help of loyal volunteers.

November 23, 2010
Tessa Rose stands with the glass-blowing team at the Tacoma Museum of Glass.

Discovering a new artist

Ten-year-old Tessa Rose never would have guessed that her quickly drawn picture would win a contest from entries around the state. But that's exactly what happened. Last spring, the then fourth-grader was in art class when teacher Kathy Marty asked students to draw pictures to enter into the Tacoma Musem of Glass, "Kids Design Glass" contest.

November 23, 2010
Cleanup crews on Cat Island in the Gulf of Mexico worked in extreme temperatures, which often soared in the triple digits. Jeff Peebles, a paramedic who lives in Camas, spent two months assisting the crews after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion, which resulted in millions of gallons of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.

Answering the call

For most local residents, the BP oil spill was seen and experienced only through various news accounts and chatroom musings. However, 39-year-old Jeff Peebles saw it first-hand when he traveled to the Gulf Coast. Peebles, a paramedic with Skamania County Emergency Services, went to Mississippi and Louisiana this past summer to provide emergency services to cleanup workers. "I was seeing everything in the news with all of the oiled-up birds, the tragedies, and the cleanup efforts, so I thought it sounded good to go and help out," he said. Peebles traveled with the cleanup crews daily, and treated patients mainly for heat related illnesses, although there were a fair share of stomach ailments, heart attacks and allergic reactions.

November 16, 2010
The Farrell house, located at Ione Street near downtown Camas, is part of the Holiday Home Tour, set for Dec. 4 and 5. Proceeds will benefit the Downtown Camas Association and Soroptimist International of Camas-Washougal. The home is currently undergoing a major renovation by the new owner.

A new beginning in an old home

Heidi Curley was walking by the Farrell house during the Camas Days Parade in July and was instantly smitten. "I like to say that the house found me," she said. "It was the last thing I was looking for at the time." Curley and her three girls, ages 15, 12 and 7, were still reeling from a family tragedy two months before.

November 9, 2010
Nothing compares to giving a friend or family member a one-of-a-kind handmade gift like those that can be found at local bazaars during the holiday season.

Gifts & Goodies Galore

Beginning this weekend, those looking for one-of-a-kind holiday gifts do not need to venture any farther than the local area. That's because several bazaars are coming to churches, schools and civic centers. Eager shoppers will have the chance to support the local economy, buy handcrafted items and avoid big box stores.

November 9, 2010
Skyridge Middle School students (left to right) Lindsey Kosaki, Adam Ryan and Kate Fritz are helping with the peanut butter collection efforts organized by science teacher John Condon (background).

Kids helping kids

A jar of peanut butter seems like such a small thing to most of us. But to orphans eking out a daily existence in the filthy garbage dumps of Mexico, it's a lifeline. Students in John Condon's seventh-grade science class at Skyridge Middle School are helping to contribute to this important nutritional need by collecting jars of peanut butter. These will be taken to Mexico by the brother of another Skryidge teacher, Gail Welsh. It is the fourth year of the school peanut butter collection efforts.

November 9, 2010
The Pirate King (James Maguire) has defeated the Sergeant of Police (Noah Collins) and Samuel (Nicholas Detering) has captured the Major General (Alex Brown), much to the delight of the other pirates.

A comedy about duty and love

Frederic, a pirate apprentice, has fallen in love with sweet, innocent Mabel, the first woman he has ever seen. Yet his vocation is a major roadblock to their future together. And thus begins the adventures of the "Pirates of Penzance," Gilbert and Sullivan's comic operetta, which drama students at Washougal High School will be performing for their fall theater production.

October 26, 2010
The following Grass Valley Elementary students recently hit the 100-mile mark for the school jogging program, which just finished its seventh week. They include fourth-grader Rachel Blair, fifth-grader Patrick Upkes, fifth-grader Will Schultz and second-grader Cole Kendall. Not pictured is second-grader Abby Sherwood, who was also the school champion last year for girls.

Students are staying on the move

In just seven weeks, six Grass Valley Elementary students have achieved an important milestone: Running at least 100 miles in the school jogging program. The students achieved this goal by logging laps on a dirt path during recess. They include Rachel Blair, Patrick Upkes, Will Schultz, Cole Kendall, Jordan Chase and Abby Sherwood, who ran 125, 115, 125, 115, 101 and 100 miles, respectively.

October 26, 2010
Marci Caputo speaks at a  Girls Night Out event, hosted by  "Cathy Anna Mayer Encouraging Others" (CAMEO). Caputo is one of the founders. The charity raised $29,000 for another charitable organization, Bridge the Gap. It helps children in foster care  pay for clothing, toiletries, sports and more.

Program aims to give every child a childhood

Imagine being in the seventh-grade, and starting school without new clothes, school supplies or even basic hygiene products. Although this may sound like a bad dream, it's a reality for thousands of foster kids who are literally whisked away on a moment's notice, unable to pack more than a few basic items. This is where Bridge the Gap comes in. The Clark County organization is a community outreach program designed to enrich the lives of abused and neglected children.

October 26, 2010
A "train" pulled by a tractor, is another popular attraction. Children typically want to go for a ride, no matter what the weather.

In search of the Great Pumpkin

Every October for the past five years, Jeff Walton has hosted a pumpkin patch at his Camas farm. It's a quiet place, without the hubbub and chaos of some of the larger pumpkin patches. And this suits Walton just fine. "Since I took over the farm 28 years ago, I've always wanted to grow pumpkins," he said. "I really wanted this for the little kids. That way they don't feel overwhelmed like they may at some of the larger farms."