
Stories by Danielle Frost

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September 2, 2014
WHS students, from left, Kaycee Zieman, Robby Wayper, Jenni Ladwig and Alex Carstens, pose in front of  France's iconic landmark, the Eiffel Tower, during an eight day trip to France this summer.

International experiences

When asked to describe his favorite aspect of Paris, Craig Grable is at a loss for words.

August 26, 2014
Marilyn Goodman enjoys a treat during the Camas Farmer's Market in 2013. She served as the coordinator until her passing earlier this month.

Living every day to the fullest

"Never give up." Marilyn Goodman lived by that statement. The Camas resident battled ovarian cancer for 10 years, enduring several reoccurrences and experimental therapies before the disease took her life on Aug. 15.

August 21, 2014
Camas resident George Willis, a World War II veteran, points out the places where the 42nd Infantry Division, known as the "Rainbow Division" battled to defeat Nazi Germany. The map was created shortly after the war.

Putting life in his years

By all accounts, George Willis has packed a lot of living into his 89 years on this earth.

August 19, 2014
Webberly conducts a lab practical with two of her classes after teaching them the nervous system. She is serving as a volunteer teacher in Sierra Leone.

‘The toughest job, you’ll ever love’

As a senior in college at Graceland University, Paige Webberly was on track to her dream of becoming a doctor. She had good grades, a double major in biology and chemistry, and a work ethic to match.

August 19, 2014
Constructing a dinosaur skeleton was just one of the many hands-on activities children could participate in during the  OMSI Science Festival at Hathaway Elementary School on Wednesday.  More than 250 children and their caregivers came out to the last free summer event at the school, which was one of five held during July and August.

Exploring science

Whether it was constructing a dinosaur skeleton, "digging" for fossils or exploring how magnets worked, there was plenty to do at the OMSI Science Festival at Hathaway Elementary School.