
Stories by Dawn Feldhaus

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May 19, 2015
Some local residents have been growing vegetables at 1835 "D" St., without paying community garden fees to Washougal. They can continue to garden there, but it will cost $12 for a space this year. "We might be doing something different for next year," said Rose Jewell, the administrative assistant to the Washougal mayor and city administrator.

Cultivating cooperation

Several Washougal residents got what they wanted, after they took the time to go to City Hall. Bill Durgan is among the people who grow vegetables at 1835 "D" St. He and some of his neighbors spoke during the May 11 Washougal City Council meeting, to complain about the potential use of the "D" Street garden to grow pumpkins. Durgan, of Washougal, said the site has been used as a garden for local residents for more than seven years.

May 19, 2015

Local Memorial Day ceremonies planned

Various organizations are preparing to make this Memorial Day weekend a time for thanks and reflection. Originally called Decoration Day, it is a day of remembrance for those who have died in the nation's service.