
Stories by camaspost_admin

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June 16, 2010

Pedestrian tunnel is expected to open this weekend

Individuals will soon be able to walk, run and bicycle through the Washougal pedestrian tunnel. Mayor Sean Guard said during last night's City Council workshop the goal is to have the fence outside the tunnel removed by Friday. The $2.58 million project, built under state Route 14 and over a Corps of Engineers levee, will link Pendleton Way to Steamboat Landing. The tunnel is being paid for by federal grants.

June 16, 2010

Downtown group hires Main Street program manager

The Downtown Camas Association recently named its first Main Street program manager. Lisa M. Christopher, an award-winning heritage tourism expert, was chosen by the DCA after a recent search. "Lisa has a strong background in heritage tourism and marketing," said Caroline Mercury, DCA board president. "We feel that, as our first paid staff person, she will be able to bring Camas to the next level. We want to keep our historic small-town charm but reinforce the downtown's role as a community gathering place." As the program manager, Christopher will work to build on a strong, grass roots network of merchants and shopkeepers that will focus on a series of activities to attract new interest in the vibrant downtown area. "For more than 100 years, downtown Camas has proven to be the heart of this community," Christopher said. "I'm excited about the chance to help the city and the downtown areas continue on this forward path."

June 15, 2010
Washougal High School Panther grads enjoy their time in the sun at Fishback Stadium on June 12, 2010. Despite weeks of worry over potential thunderstorms soaking the grads, WHS ceremonies were dry events, minus the tears shed.

Congrats, class of 2010

The sun broke from the clouds Friday and Saturday, as the 2010 graduates of Camas and Washougal high schools celebrated the culmination and accomplishments of the past four years.

June 15, 2010
Washougal residents Jeff and Kim Howard recently opened a restaurant in their hometown. Prior to opening last week, a number of improvements were made to the site including replacing the plumbing, installation of custom cabinets and the creation of signs by local businesses.

New Washougal business is ‘Over the Top’

With photos of windsurfing and kiteboarding from the Gorge covering the walls, Over The Top Teriyaki fits right in with its surroundings. Jeff and Kim Howard, both of Washougal, decided they wanted to open their first restaurant, a place with great tasting food that was healthy, a hard combination to come by with all the fast food chains around the area. "We wanted no deep frying, and to stay away from fats and grease," said Jeff. "The way we cook and the quality of our food sets us apart." After researching the best options for his kitchen, Jeff decided on the Rational Self Cooking Center. A substitute for an oven, broiler, grill and steamer, the "combi-oven" is something that would cook healthy, fresh food fast, and would taste better, while saving money and electricity. "One thing we wanted to accomplish here is consistency," said Howard. "The combi-oven will accomplish this and will also cut down on labor and waste."

June 15, 2010

A new dawn for

Beginning today, the Post-Record website - - has a brand new look and feel. These exciting new initial features and functions that we've added are just a taste of great things to come. And as we continue to improve, week-by-week, you'll see plenty of other changes that we hope will make the site the most robust community meeting place in Camas and Washougal.

June 15, 2010
Bethany Barna-Joel Amundson


Bethany L. Barna of Salem, Ore., and Joel A. Amundson of Vancouver have announced their plans to be married in September 2010.

June 15, 2010
Walt and Virginia McDonald


Walt and Virginia McDonald of Vancouver recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.