
Stories by camaspost_admin

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July 13, 2010
Nancy Viuhkola (far right), community affairs coordinator with Georgia-Pacific and Carrie Schulstad (second from right) of the Downtown Camas Association presented a check for $1,075 to Bob Howe (far left), treasurer of Camas-Washougal Community Chest, and Nancy Wilson (second from left), executive director of the Inter-Faith Treasure House food bank. The funds were raised during the Camas Car Show on July 2.

Donations roll in during Camas Car Show

More than $1,000 was collected during the Fifth Annual Camas Car Show on July 2 to benefit the local Inter-Faith Treasure House food bank. The event also provided an opportunity for attendees to contribute canned food items, of which 111 pounds was donated. The contributions will help the men, women and children in need who receive food and other services from the Washougal based non-profit organization. According to organizers, the car show, which included 98 entries parked along Northeast Fourth Avenue in Downtown Camas, was a success. Awards were presented for "Best Topless," 1964 Chevy Corvette owned by Fred Larue; "Power Pipes Award," 1923 Ford T-Bucket owned by Don Pritchett; "Most Muscle Bound," 1968 Plymouth Sport Satellite owned by John Deckert; "Most original paint," 1941 Willy's Coupe owned by Susan Hale; "Most Racy," 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse owned by Derrick Fronzen; "Best Work in Progress," 1984 Honda GL 1200 owned by Bob Wenick; and "Best Original American," 1963 Buick owned by Ken Cousins. The event was hosted by the Downtown Camas Association, Georgia-Pacific and Twilight Pizza Bistro. To view photos of the winning entries, visit the photo galleries at

July 13, 2010

Nuclear power gaining new life

In the 1970s, Washington's public utilities embarked on an aggressive nuclear power building project managed by the Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS). Unfortunately, the effort ultimately became known as "Whoops!" WPPSS planned to construct five generating facilities inour state to meet future electricity demand. However, when the core of one of the reactors at Three Mile Island, Pa. nuclear power plant suffered a partial meltdown, support for nuclear power waned.

July 6, 2010
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Shine on

The wheels of the 1929 Ford Roadster owned by Jim and Gay Kane get a last-minute shine in preparation for the Camas Car Show on Friday. The fifth-annual event, which included dozens of classic and specialty vehicle entries, was held on Northeast Fourth Avenue as part of the monthly First Friday activities. The event was sponsored by the 6th Avenue Commercial Center/Shell, Lacamas Community Credit Union, and is hosted by the Downtown Camas Association, Georgia-Pacific and Twilight Pizza Bistro. To view additional photos, visit the photo gallery at

July 6, 2010
Camas Hills Looking West from Washougal," by Mitch Hammontree.

An ode to Camas…

From the local burger joint to breath-taking landscapes, the many things local residents love about Camas are being highlighted as part of a photography show at the Second Story Gallery this month. The display features more than 25 entries from 13 amateur photographers as young as 9 years old. According to Library Director David Zavortink, the display is a snapshot of what was on people's minds in May 2010, when the call went out for entries. "And not surprising, that covers a wide range of interests, approached in many creative ways," Zavortink said. "Some of the subjects are obviously very meaningful to the photographers."