
Letters to the Editor for Oct. 7, 2014

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Impressed by Mike Briggs

The 18th District has some significant choices coming up in November for state representative.

One person I have come to know over the past two years is Mike Briggs. I’ve found that he is truly interested in our community, and sincerely wants to do what is right.

I appreciate that he wants limits on how many “free lunches” a lobbyist can give a legislator.

I also appreciate his support of transportation, both highway and public. I’ve talked with him about his transportation priorities for Clark County and the 18th District, and he wants to find ways to get these projects funded. Completing the widening of SR-14, a new overpass over the BNSF railroad in Washougal and in Ridgefield. And Mike even wants to find a way to get more transportation capacity crossing the Columbia River.

I’m impressed by Mike’s energy and I am looking forward to his ability to reach across the aisle and get things done.

Please vote for Mike Briggs as your new 18th District state representative this November.

Chuck Green, Ridgefield

Separation of powers is not a complicated issue

Opponents of the Clark County Home Rule Charter have argued that an appointed county manager will assume the authority currently held by county commissioners. Not only is this not accurate, it should be pointed out that the five councilors will hire, fire and supervise this county manager.

The Charter simply separates the powers of policy making from policy implementation — and the county manager only has authority over implementing policies set by the councilors.

I encourage everyone to read the charter to understand that the only restriction being placed on council members is to work through the county manager rather than going directly to an employee on an issue. That’s called separation of powers and it’s not nearly as complicated or evil as opponents would have you believe.

Bobbi Olson, Vancouver

Wilson has common sense

Lynda Wilson is the right candidate at the right time for the 17th district.

She is a candidate who will support conservative values including a more efficient state government, adequate school funding, less taxes, and strengthening our local businesses.

She will fight to protect our personal firearm rights and is endorsed by the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs.

Lynda Wilson is not a politician, she’s a business owner who wants to bring common sense to government.

Mike Cooke, Vancouver

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