The Camas School District budget for 2014-15 is very similar to last year’s, with a few exceptions.
The $61 million budget includes additional money for the Literacy Early Advocacy Program, professional development for staff and increased costs of utilities, insurance, curriculum and supplies. Additional classified and certified staff members were also hired, based on higher enrollment projections.
The general fund is based on enrollment growth of approximately 1.54 percent. Last year’s actual enrollment was 6,048 FTE (full-time equivalency), and 2014-15 is projected at 6,106 FTE.
Last year’s general fund was $59.7 million.
“This year’s budget was straightforward, relative to prior years when we were faced with making significant cuts in programs,” said Doug Quinn, school board member.
LEAP, an intervention program, is being expanded to all elementary schools in the district to help kindergartners who are at risk for not meeting grade level reading expectations. Previously, students were bussed to schools that offered the LEAP program.