
ECFR earns Bucket Brigade grant

$10,000 will purchase safety equipment

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Georgia-Pacific announced that East County Fire and Rescue would receive a $10,000 grant.

Camas Mill Manager Joseph Ertolacci recently presented a ceremonial check to Fire Chief Scott Koehler at the ECFR Fern Prairie station.

The funding, which comes from G-P’s Bucket Brigade grant program, will help buy equipment used when responding to car accidents.

The grant was one of those awarded to a record 55 fire departments this year, for a total of $270,000. It is the largest annual distribution since the program began in 2006. All told, it has now doled out more than $1.25 million in cash grants to fire departments that serve Georgia-Pacific’s facility communities across the country.

The Camas and Washougal fire departments have both been past recipients of G-P Bucket Brigade grants.