Spring break is just around the corner, and with it, the age-old question:
What to do?
While it sounds wonderful to just take off for a week in some sunny locale, or squeeze in some late-season skiing, it’s not the reality for many families with tight budgets.
In addition, many parents have to work during break. But never fear, this doesn’t mean your child has to be parked in front of the television or computer all day.
There are several local activities and camps available for kids at no cost or reasonable rates, as well as movies at the Camas library.
East County Community Education is offering Babysitter’s Boot Camp, and other spring break day camps.
Details are as follows:
Babysitter’s Boot Camp: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 4 to 6. The fee is $125 and it is held at the JD Zellerbach Administration Center, 841 N.E. 22nd Ave. Attendees are asked to bring a sack lunch. It is designed for youth ages 11 to 15.