One morning earlier this summer, David Stuebe walked out onto his deck, cup of coffee in hand, and took in a view of Hathaway Park, which was strewn with trash and debris, a sight that dismayed and annoyed the Washougal city councilman.
But a few moments later, he spotted a man walking his dog along the edge of the waterfront, picking up and throwing away any garbage he could find. Stuebe wanted to thank the man for his efforts, but by the time he ran over to the park, the man had departed.
Stuebe caught up to the man a few weeks later.
“I was like, ‘I want to thank you, No. 1. No. 2, I’d like to give you some recognition from the city,'” Stuebe said during the council’s virtual workshop session on Monday, July 26. “He was like, ‘I really don’t want the recognition.’ I said, ‘If people see the kind things that you are doing, it will become infectious, and they will do (similar things).”
Inspired by Stuebe’s words, the Washougal city council decided during the workshop session to create a way to recognize the good deeds that are happening in the community and the people that do them.
“There are so many negative things being reported,” Stuebe said. “We need to recognize people who do good things for our city. We have been locked up. People are angry. There’s a lot of negative emotions out there right now. I think this would be a really fun, positive project. I would like to pursue that and see if we can get that established.”