By Don C. Brunell, Guest Columnist
Debating whether it was wrong for President Trump to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord negotiations is never-ending. Both sides will find ample evidence to claim the accords are good or bad for America; however, the rhetoric can’t obfuscate our ongoing work to reduce greenhouse gases.
The focus needs to be on what is being done to reduce emissions globally and how our innovations and technology can be implemented across our planet.
For perspective, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported in April that U.S. energy related carbon dioxide emissions in 2016 were 1.7 percent below 2015 levels. These recent decreases are consistent with a decade-long trend in which CO2 releases dropped by 14 percent.
Association of Washington Business President Kris Johnson summarized: “According to EPA while Washington’s population has increased by 443 percent since 1990 and the economy has grown by 260 percent, carbon emissions have dropped by 18 percent.”
The good news for Washington State is the nation’s biggest CO2 reduction comes from the transportation sector.